today is unlike any other mondays. aside form the usual session here in the office, what sets this day apart is the fact that i am facing people who have hurt me and i have to live with that fact for the rest of my BEAUTIFUL life.
i am not a perfect employee nor am i a perfect person. but i think, people like me, deserve to be treated in a manner which is somehow humane and to have an equal right to be confronted in a private conversation...
what happened last week served as a challenge for me to do better and to control my temper, to respect people because of their position even if they act unworthy of it, to understand others and to be humble enough to accept that sometimes, no matter how your intentions are supposed to benefit the majority, anyone could put malice in it. still, i am grateful God has allowed me to enjoy the blessings my work has to offer.
Lord, grant me the strength to accept the things i cannot change..